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Contest Rules:
Online submissions only.
Submitted photos must be original, taken by the contestant himself.
No. of entries restricted to 3 per person.
Resubmissions are allowed.
The photographer may chose to give a short description of the image or append an original poem (optional).
Only basic editing like cropping and brightness-contrast changes are allowed. There must not be any borders, logos, watermarks, or any other marks on the image.
Submitted photos must be original, taken by the contestant.
It must not contain any materials owned or controlled by a third party, must not infringe the copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
Participation in the contest grant Reflections, by default, the right and license to use, publish, reproduce, display, print the photos, in any form.
The Photographer will be credited wherever the image is used.
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